Wednesday, September 24, 2014

You Should Not Acquire Higher Education For Job Purposes Only

Presley University understands the realities of the world and the capitalist economy we live in as well as anyone. Students want jobs after graduation. In fact, if they are going to survive outside of their parents’ homes, it is imperative that they find employment soon after receiving their diploma. A college degree prepares you for a lifetime of learning and a variety of possible career paths. The latter of these two facts should not be undervalued in a hyper-connected global world where the career you prepared for as a student may already have become defunct by the time you graduate. Students need to be prepared for a rapidly changing world, and they need to be trained to be self-motivated learners who are capable of adapting to new skills, positions, or even entire new disciplines if they are going to be successful after graduation.

Value in the Intangibles
A major in business, accounting, forensics, nursing, or any other field with a direct work focused outcome can certainly help with short-term job prospects for college students; however, such a tight focus may actually leave you on the outside looking in during the next economic slowdown or when that career becomes pass̩. Having an innate intellectual curiosity Рa desire to explore and learn new things Рcan help you to either never become obsolete, or to more easily transition to a new career should the need arise. Additionally, many employers are now emphasizing hiring employees who are self-motivating, can communicate virtually, adapt to new technology on the fly, and think critically about problems encountered on the job, as well as those who are motivated to expand the job as new opportunities arise. College such as Presley University, are exactly the places to cultivate these skills.

Cultivate Soft Skills
You may ask why any of these skills would be more effectively acquired in a class outside of your major than within it? That certainly does not need to be the case, but pursuing a variety of interests with vigor and rigor opens up more opportunities to cultivate these abilities than does a strict focus on one area. Here’s how to bolster the skills that will help you navigate a changing global economy, along with tips for achieving each: 
  • Intellectual Curiosity: The more things that you know about in this world, the more opportunities you have to learn about other fascinating topics. What is even more important is that there are often linkages between disciplines that are seldom or have never been considered. As a well-rounded learner who is intellectually curious, you have an opportunity to explore new and innovative connections between topics and to embark on a new and exciting "Edventure" that few others may have even imagined. Embrace new subjects. Don’t think of that required philosophy class as a burden, but rather as an opportunity to learn something new. In the case of philosophy, if you are a business major for example, think of it as a way of gaining insight into human motivation or as fuel for some future advertisement of a product that aims to reach intellectuals. Take your intended career focus and apply it to what you are learning in the seemingly non-related course. You’ll add valuable insights to the class discussion and fortify your own budding intellectualism along the way.
  • Self-motivation: Every student has been in the course that they just weren’t interested in. It happens. Rather than dread the class, tune out, or blow it off altogether, immerse yourself in it. You can become interested in anything if you give it a chance and engage in learning rather than complaining. The concept of mind over matter is not just a cliché. If you persist at something and really put in an effort to learn the fundamental concepts, eventually you will find that you actually have an interest in the subject. You never know, you might even develop a new career interest. Consider this training for when you finally enter the workforce. Not every job or assignment is going to be inherently interesting to you. If you have practiced being able to motivate yourself in college, you will be prepared when the stakes are raised.
  • Virtual Communication: Consider filling some of those electives or science requirements with a computer science or digital media production class. By applying your intellectual curiosity and self-motivational abilities, you will be able to engage in classes that can open up the doorway to understanding how our digital world works. You can gain insights into the Internet, social media, or programming that will improve your overall technology literacy and thus greatly enhance your ability to communicate in whatever new mediums may arise in the future.
  •  Adaptability: Taking classes outside of your comfort zone and striving to be self-motivated will make you a more adaptable learner. Different disciplines have different teaching methodologies, different citation standards, different expectations of student work, and even different languages or jargon. Being able to adapt to any of these circumstances trains your brain to not only be able to do it in the future, but to crave the challenge. If you can apply that ability throughout your life, you will never stop learning and growing as a person, and an employee.
  •  Critical Thinking: College is about challenging your perceptions of reality. There is no better way to do this than to open your mind to the differing perspectives of the world offered by different disciplines. As a participant in a wide variety of courses you are learning to communicate with others who may have a different world view. Open yourself up to those ideas, take the time to have critical discussions and to challenge your own assumptions of how the world works and you will be well on your way to being the kind of person who can think beyond an immediate solution to solve problems in ways never before imagined.
  • Think Interdisciplinarily: Finally, there really are connections between all disciplines that often go unnoticed or that are disregarded. Innovative individuals who can think broadly across disciplines can see these connections and use their critical thinking abilities to envision new possibilities that these connections present. This is how new disciplines and fields of inquiry like nanotechnology, neuroscience, and 3D printing or molecular manufacturing have begun. Apply all of these ideas and you might be the founder of the next big thing.

All of these suggestions really lead to just one thing. In an increasingly unstable world if you can take advantage of the amazing opportunities that a college education offers, not for job training, but for life training, you will help to ensure that, no matter what the world throws at you, you will be able to adapt and turn your challenges into opportunities. Start thinking about those required classes outside of your area not as a burden, but as a chance to help future-proof education and yourself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tablets Versus Computers

In all fairness to the beloved PC or Mac, which have been serving us since the 1980s in all of our personal computing needs, the explosion of portable computing devices, and particularly of tablet computers in the past two to three years, may be signaling the end of the PC era. You may ask, however, can a tablet really do the job for someone who has to meet the demands of an online education program?  Here is a look at the needs of the average online learner and the three main platforms available, the iPad, Android tablets, and the Windows Surface RT and Surface Pro. Followed by an assessment of whether any or all of them can do the job as the primary computing device for an online student.

What the Average E-Learner Needs?
The disclaimer here is that every online program is different and all will have their own technology requirements, so check with your institution’s IT staff before jettisoning your existing laptop or desktop in favor of a sleek new tablet.  That said here are some of the basic tech requirements for an online degree program from a representative institution, Presley University.

What Tablet Computers Provide
For the sake of convenience, below are the technical requirements stated into a table that includes each category and an indication of which tablets are capable of meeting each standard. Because there is not always a direct equivalency between PC components and those of a tablet, it will help take an educated decision regarding whether the tablet approximates the listed requirement. Basically, in my assessment, I evaluate whether a tablet can do what the technical specification indicates that a computer needs to do. I have consulted the manufacturer’s specifications whenever possible. 



Tablet or No Tablet?
So where does all this leave the innovative online student who wants to make the leap to a tablet only e-learning experience? On the brink of ditching their PC, that’s where. With the release of Surface Pro running Windows 8 and having the ability to run all previous Windows software, the issue will become moot for those willing to pay a fairly steep price. For those looking to pay a little less or dedicated to the Apple or Android platforms, there are risks involved that should be considered before making the leap. Before you decide to go tablet only for your online learning ask the following questions of your institution’s technology support people:
  • Will the LMS (learning management system such as Blackboard) work on the tablet?
  • Will my program require software that runs only on Windows or the Mac OS?
  • Is content for classes delivered via Flash?
  • What are the most common browser plugins that are needed to complete course assignments or access course content and are there mobile versions?
The answers to these questions will dictate what you decide to do. However, in almost all cases I would say that any of the three main tablet families would be sufficient to do most of an online degree program if you have access to use a Windows PC for the occasional assignment or chunk of content that can’t be done or viewed on your tablet. All of this is true as long as you are aware of the fact that you may need to do some troubleshooting and searching to find solutions and workarounds for specific issues that may arise between your device and your program.

Are you currently enrolled in an online course and trying to get by with a tablet or smart phone? Share your challenges and solutions below or on Google+ or Twitter.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How To Utilize Pinterest for Educational Purposes?

Like Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest has fast become an essential social media tool for colleges. Scores of schools use the site for marketing and recruiting, or just sharing fun pictures and information with students. Yet Pinterest has begun to play another, perhaps more important role in higher education. Some colleges and universities are starting to use the site as an educational tool, bringing it into the classroom or offering up boards focused on academic resources at the school. Here are just a few of the schools that are leading the way for Pinterest to become another great social media tool for higher education.

  • Yale University:
While it only has a few pins so far, the educational board "The Treasures of Yale" is an amazing way to help connect students with the impressive collections of arts, sciences, and humanities artifacts the school owns. Students can learn all about the items from the videos, get a chance to see some of the faculty at the school, and may even get inspired to head out to a campus museum to learn even when they’re not in class.

  • Queens University of Charlotte:
Pinterest is making its way into the classroom at Queens University of Charlotte’s Knight School of Communication in North Carolina. During the Democratic National Convention, students could attend a two-day learning conference that helped them to take advantage of opportunities of all kinds to participate in the convention. Some served on committees, others helped with the press, and still others helped out with production for news broadcasts. All, however, had to chronicle the experience on Pinterest, creating a visual record of the role all the school’s students played in making the convention run smoothly.

  • University of Minnesota:
At the University of Minnesota, using social sites like Twitter, Reddit, and Pinterest can actually help improve the grades of some students. That’s because professors like Leslie Plesser are making using the site a part of their classes. While students in Plesser’s basic media graphics class aren’t graded for what they pin, they are required to put in a certain amount of daily effort into the site to earn a high grade for participation in the course. Plesser has said that Pinterest has turned into a valuable tool in her classes as it helps her to monitor student progress and get a firsthand look at their process of inspiration, which she considers in awarding grades on student work.

  • Louisiana State University:
Assistant professor of English Education Steven Bickmore uses Pinterest to teach his students in his literature and lanaguage classes at LSU. On his Pinterest account, students can find boards for specific classes or focus groups. These boards are places where students can go to find supplemental reading material, keep up with class work, or even explore larger literary theories.

  • Texas State University:
Professor Cindy Royal at TXST is showing students how Pinterest can be an incredibly useful tool for producing web content through activities in her digital and online media courses. Earlier this year, she had new media students create a series of boards on Pinterest that were designed to provide visitors to Austin with guides on what to eat, who to see, and what to expect at the well-known SXSW festival. The project was successful, and Royal is considering making Pinterest a part of her courses going forward.

  • University of Virginia:

While most students at the University of Virginia know that their professors are some of the best in their respective fields, they might not think to seek out work that their professors have published. That’s why this board from the school is such an amazing academic resource. It makes it simple for students to find books and other publications from UVA faculty, so they can read, learn, and find accessible experts right on campus who can enrich their learning experience.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Providing Online Education At An Online University

 There are many people who realize late in life that they want to work in the education field. While the traditional route to this type of career is often initiated right out of high school, when students go straight into college and on to student teaching while they themselves are still young, becoming an educator once you are older isn’t impossible. In fact, it’s not as difficult as you might think. What happens when life has already gotten in the way of your career in education and you simply have too many commitments on your time to make it to a traditional campus? You get your degree online.

Many people pursuing an online education degree do so from home from top online universities like Presley University. The reality of today’s economy makes it impossible for many people to stop working or even reduce their hours in order to further their education. Online classes at Presley University are often more flexible and just as thorough as their on campus counterparts. They afford you a way to earn your degree without giving up a large portion of your time and income. It’s no wonder that online learning from Presley University has become such a popular alternative to traditional college classes; you get the same education on your own schedule, without the hassle of traveling to and from class.

For those concerned that the classes available online from Presley University are limited in some way compared to those offered in brick and mortar colleges, consider the fact that many schools now offer exclusive, in-depth classes that are only available online, taught by busy, highly respected professors exclusively for online education programs. In fact, some traditional students combine on campus classes with online ones to get a more complete education.

Wondering how far you can go towards getting a degree in online education at Presley University? The sky’s the limit. Some students are able to obtain a Master’s Degree completely or almost completely online, depending upon their level of education already obtained. The coursework is no less challenging when done online, but there is typically plenty of support available for students and the schedule is usually much more flexible.

Online education isn’t just for young, technologically savvy students. With a basic knowledge of computers and adequate internet access anyone can begin to earn their degree online, at any age. Working parents, people who never finished college and even those who never thought further education was in the cards for them can take advantage of getting a degree. For those students who are already pursuing an education degree at a traditional campus online education offers them a chance to complete additional studies online or reduce the time they spend on campus. As an added incentive to earn an online degree, many colleges and specially Presley University offer assistance with financial aid, so part of the cost of your education could be taken care of for you.

Low cost, low stress online education vs. traveling to campus and juggling a busy work/life schedule…which would you prefer? For more and more people, the answer is clear. Online education is the convenient and affordable way to obtain a degree in any field of study.