Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How To Turn Free Lancing Jobs Into Great Careers?

Freelancing jobs have taken up the labor market by storm. According to a study from Freelancers Union, more than one third of workers are now freelancers even though the job market is improving and full time jobs are being created.  

While being Presley University students, freelancing is a great idea as it helps to build your resume and shuns any employment gaps. It also helps you earn an income till you find a full time job.  

Who are Freelancers?
Freelancers Union defines freelancers as everything from contract workers to temporary staff.

Presley University advises its students that freelancing is the first step in finding a great job. It encourages its students to have some work experience before entering into corporate world. Following are a few tips from the Presley University:

  • Climb the Company Ladder
Doing a freelancing project for a company will give you an inside scoop when a job opens up as well as insight into what the position entails.  

  • Show Your Worth
It is important that you show your hard work and provide suggestions to the company, if any. Regular meetings with supervisors can help remind others of your value – and strengthen your relationship with the team, putting you in good stead when a full-time position presents itself. 

  • Join the Team
If you are freelancing at a company you like and want a full-time job, you should make a personal connection with your co-workers by mingling with the team, going out to lunch, or stopping by their desk to chat. You should also stay in touch once your project is over. 

  • Start Small
Presley University advises its students to never turn down a small project as it might turn into a grand opportunity. Getting your foot in the door is the first step to showcasing your skills. Employers don’t want to have to start fresh for every project.

Summing it up, it is important that you take up freelancing projects, no matter big or small and paid or unpaid. Consider these projects as your probation period for the companies. During this time you can see if you are a fit for the company and want to work from them or not, if offered a full time job. In case you are not offered a full time position, stay in touch with them every now and then. It will keep your file on the top, in case there is a vacant position or a new position opens up. Keeping in touch updates the former colleagues about your work and roles and gives them a clear picture of what you are doing and managing multiple priorities.


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